Current Courses
French Beginners Course: This course aims to bring you from an A0/A1 level (beginner) to a B1 level (pre-intermediate) of language proficiency in a fun group atmosphere. It is divided in 12 modules of 6 to 8 weeks each. It is very interactive, with activities to practice the language, games, practice sheets and your own online space for class notes and extra resources.
@ The Boyle Family Resource (eircode: F52H674) on Tuesdays from 6:15pm to 7:15pm for the Advanced French Beginners group as for the French Beginners group it is currently on hold.
@ The Avalon Centre (eircode: F91RF78) on Wednesdays from 6:15pm to 7:15pm for the Advanced French Beginners group as for the French Beginners group it is currently on hold.
How It Works
Interested or simply curious? Contact Julien by phone, email, text, WhatsApp or through Facebook/Instagram.
Julien then sends you a short registration form to fill prior to the start of the course with payment information at the end.
Yes, time to head to your weekly French lesson to learn, chat, practice your French and enjoy doing so.
You are always more than welcome to join the next module or else just get in touch with Julien and he will be happy to help.
Past Courses
From Leaving Cert to courses for adults, from Ballymote to Boyle and Sligo, there was, and will be, many opportunities to learn, keep on learning and enjoy learning French. If you have missed any of these courses do not worry. The French Oral Prep for Senior Cycle students takes place every year, the French Beginners Course is always running and the first module will actually start again in September 2024. New courses (online, for Junior Cycle students, etc.) are also in the making. To stay in the loop simply join the mailing list by sending me an email.